Hello good people! 

     My name is Robin. I am an artist and photographer from Sacramento California . I have started a gofundme account in hopes of raising money to travel to, and volunteer at an orphanage in Africa. http://www.gofundme.com/x62yde44 Immediately following that, I will be volunteering at a Big 5 Animal Conservation. Volunteering at an orphanage in Africa has been a goal of mine since learning about programs a fews years ago. Unfortunately, the costly flights, and accommodations are what stand in my way. 

     There are many organizations out there that ask for donations to help children & families in need. The inherent flaw with these organizations, however noble, is that the effect of your contributions cannot be observed. Donations are most often diminished by administration fees, taxes, operating costs, and any number of expenses that reduce there effectivity. 

     For me, nothing could be more satisfying than to be there in person to experience the changes in these children’s and families lives. I have so much love to give. I know that love isn't everything, but it is powerful. These kids need to know that there are people in the world that care. I want to inspire them to think beyond the cards they’ve been dealt, and to dream of a better life that can be achieved. I want to show them the power of a positive mental attitude, that can overcome the negativity we so often find in the world. Nothing would bring me greater joy than witness what compassion and love can do to those who have never experienced it. 

     The second part of my journey will take me to a Big 5 Conservation. Like many people I find myself sickened and angered by the supposed sport of hunting and killing elephants, lions, tigers, rhinos, among other endangered animals. As a lover of animals, It would bring me the greatest satisfaction to stand up and do something about it. There are numerous ways of contributing to Big 5 Conservation efforts. For me the best way is to stand by the side of the animals and other volunteers with like minds and hearts. 

     Please help me raise the $4,000 over the next few weeks to make this journey a reality. With your help, I will be in Africa by October 11th. I have 822 Facebook friends, if each of you could spare $10, this would be easy! I know it’s unlikely that all of my FB friends will answer this call, but certainly those that know my passion, will contribute what they can. 


Thank you all!